
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Julie Seaver Recorded 06-04-2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
Saturday Jun 08, 2019
This week on the IAMLAKEWORTH podcast I sat down for an extended interview with Julie Seaver who is the Executive Director at the Compass Center in Lake Worth. It was perfect timing to record this interview during pride month. In an extended interview you will get to know Julie as well as Compass and the important work they are doing for the LGBTQ community and really everyone in Palm Beach County. The whole interview clocked in at 55 minutes. I would normally cherry pick the best bits for a 30 minute interview but I found the interview just so interesting and important that after cutting out my normal 'umms' and pauses it was still 52 minutes long. So enjoy this longer than normal episode and I'm sure you'll agree it was worth your time.

Thursday May 16, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Bama Lutes Deal Interview Recorded 5/14/2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Welcome to episode no. 23 of the IAMLAKEWORTH Podcast. My guest this week is Bama Lutes Deal from the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County. Join us for a great conversation. I really enjoyed sitting down to talk with Bama. The interview was lively and fun and you might even learn a bit about what the Cultural Council does.
IAMLAKEWORTH III (We are Lake Worth) will begin shooting soon. If you'd like to be included in the project send an email to cstoveland@icloud.com and I'll add you to the shooting schedule this summer and fall.

Monday Mar 18, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Brian Kirsch Interview recorded 3/14/2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
In this episode of the IAMLKAEWORTH podcast I sit-down with one of the most visible people in Lake Worth. Brian Kirsch who is the executive director of Gray Mockingbird, a local charity that works with the community to get food where it is needed. Brian is one of the busiest people I know. We sat down for a chat about volunteerism, community and life in Lake Worth Beach. I can't believe we talked for about an hour and neither of us mentioned it was Pi Day. Hard to believe Brian, Lake Worth's punster laureate left that goody on the table. I hope you enjoy this conversation with one of Lake Worth's best people.

Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Omari Hardy Interview recorded 02/13/2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
Wednesday Feb 13, 2019
This week's IAMLAKEWORTH podcast is with Omari Hardy. Settle in with a cup of coffee and enjoy this wide ranging interview that covers a range of topics. Some of the things we talked about are the Everglades, TV, music, growing up in Ft Lauderdale and going to college in Miami. As with all other elected officials and candidates we avoided talking about Lake Worth politics and still managed to have a fun and enlightening conversation.

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Richard Guercio Interview recorded 2/5/2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
This week's episode of the IAMLAKEWORTH podcast is with Richard Guercio. Richard is a candidate for city commission and as with all candidates and elected who have been on the podcast I asked that he answer as himself and not as a candidate. Like all of the other other candidates he did exactly as asked and what we had was a fun conversation about what makes Lake Worth special and a bit of what it is like to live here. Thanks Richard for a great conversation.
I apologize for random noises during this episode. I removed them where I could and hope they are not too distracting. Sound recording is still a learning process for me.

Thursday Jan 31, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Jill Karlin 01/30/2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
Thursday Jan 31, 2019
This week's podcast is the final episode of the Artists at the Gallery Getting Coffee interview series that I record with an audience during the run of the IAMLAKEWORTH exhibits. This week's guest is Jill Karlin she's an artist, yogini and environmental advocate. So grab a cup of coffee and join us for a fascinating interview.
Many thanks to Common Grounds Coffee for sponsoring the interview series and the LULA Lake Worth Arts for hosting the exhibit. If you are in the Lake Worth Florida area you still have time to see IAMLAKEWORTH Too! it is open Friday - Sunday this week. The show comes down on Monday 2/4/19
Next Thursday we will be back to regular schedule of interviews with Subjects from both IAMLAKEWORTH exhibits.

Monday Jan 28, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Cathy Turk 01/28/2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Today's episode of the IAMLAKEWORTH podcast is an interview with Cathy Turk. We had a great conversation covering a lot of territory. We spent a good deal of time talking about the IAMLAKEWORTH project and where I see it going next besides finding out why Lake Worth is special to Cathy. Take a listen I'm sure you'll enjoy the interview.
Next up for the podcast is a live interview at Hatch1121 with Jill Karlin. It will be recorded on Wed 1/30 at 7pm. Join us at the gallery for this episode of Artists at the Gallery Getting Coffee.

Friday Jan 25, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Joyce Brown 01/23/2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
If you listen to just one of the IAMLAKEWORTH podcasts listen to this one. Not only is Joyce one of my favorite Lake Worth residents, but she has had one amazing life. Steeped in the labor movement and the blacklists she worked side by side with some of the real heroes of the twentieth century including but not limited to my all time favorite Pete Seeger. So, get a cup of coffee sit back and enjoy this interview with an extraordinary woman.

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Shannon Torrence recorded 01/16/2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
This week's podcast is a live recording at Hatch1121 in Lake Worth with one of the subjects in the IAMLAKEWORTH Too! exhibit. This week I chose to interview painter Shannon Torrence. He has quickly become one of my favorite characters in the tapestry of Lake Worth. I just adore his paintings and I am sure when you see them you will too. Our interview ranges across a mutual affinity for Lake Worth to a detailed chat about Shannon's painting process and how he got to be painting what he does here at this moment in time.
Shannon's solo show at the Palm Beach Cultural Council in downtown Lake Worth will open April 1st 3-5pm and runs for the month of April 2019. This is a show not to be missed. If you love Lake Worth and are drawn to its natural beauty this exhibit is for you. Come out and support original art created right here in Lake Worth.
Next Week I will be interviewing Joyce Greenberg Brown for the podcast. It will be a fascinating conversation with another of Lake Worth's gems. If you would like to be in the audience for the interview join us at HATCH1121 (1121 Lucerne Ave) at 7pm on Thursday 1/24/19. It is almost guaranteed that the topic of Pete Seeger and his connection to the people of Lake Worth will come up.

Sunday Jan 06, 2019
IAMLAKEWORTH - Holly Teruggi and Erica Vonderharr recorded 12/4/2018
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
This week's episode of the IAMLAKEWORTH Podcast is with Holly Teruggi and Erica Vonderharr from ARTS4ALL Florida - Palm Beach County. Learn what's going at ARTS4ALL and about some of the great programs they offer.
I apologize for the quality of the audio I had some issues with the Mics and had to use the ones built into my recorder. Getting better at recording and editing sound for the podcast is a 2019 resolution for me.